Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Incredible, Grindable Egg Shell

After you've eaten a healthy meal of eggs, how about letting your garden have an equally healthy meal with egg shells?

According to a really neat article in Grit Magazine,  we're just a few simple steps away from creating some really high-quality diatomaceous earth from those egg shells. To do so, just follow these instructions:

1. After emptying the contents of the shells, set them out to dry completely.

2. Using a coffee or herb grinder (you can usually find an abandoned one in second-hand shops, Goodwill, etc. for a song). Grind the egg shells into a fine powder. You can use the powder right away to sprinkle on leaves of plants that are being "bugged" by the bugs such as beetles, slugs, or snails, or put it on the ground beside the plants. The egg shells are loaded with calcium, so that's a plus for the garden. 

That's it! The ground egg shells will act as little tiny glass-like shards to poke at the bugs. They'll either a) not like it and crawl to friendlier territory; or b)fight it to the bitter end--and the egg shells will win. organic, earth-friendly way to keep pesky bugs at bay.

(Be sure to keep this away from eyes and off of your skin as much as possible...if it pokes and cuts the varmits, it will do the same to you!)

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