Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Bound...Again

The weather outside is, as they say, frightful. More snow and more ice. Our cats realized that this morning at feeding time as they followed out to the compost pile. They were skating as much as they were walking. We two-foot variety need to take it easy on days like this, wrong step and we're healing up well into the promising days of spring. So, take it easy out there and stay healthy!

While you're once again stuck indoors, why not do a good deed? It will brighten up your home and your heart. Just doing that nice thing for someone else will also lift your spirits and perk up your health. Call someone that is alone, write a good old-fashioned note to someone, or grab those scraps and make a little lap blanket for someone in the nursing home. There are also missions going to destitute countries that are always in need of blankets and mended gently-used clothing for those in need...good deeds are always available for us to do. 

For the recipe today, be sure to check the Recipes page. It's a really pretty and tasty quinoa salad with lots of taste and crunch!

Remember that, even if you're stuck inside, you can still use your own body for some great weight-bearing and resistance exercises. Even gentle stretching and gentle spinal twists wake up the body and the mind. Google some good, basic yoga stretches and check out some useful instruction on You Tube. Make each day count...even when you're "stuck". Your body will thank you when it's time to be moving and working outside with yard/garden activities. 

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