Tuesday, January 28, 2014

So...How Are Those Resolutions Working Out?

The very word that brings us hope in late December brings us angst in late January--the resolution.

So how are yours working out?

A large percentage of the population of the United States that makes resolutions tends to frame them around improving health. I'm going to eat better, I'm going to exercise more, I'm going to take better care of myself. And, usually, by the end of the month of January, aggravation has overtaken inspiration. 

It really doesn't need to be this way. You can help yourself to better health. Without fanfare. Without great sacrifice. Without great monetary expenditures.

For starters, start trying the recipes that are listed on this website. They are good for you foods and foods that taste good. (Yes, you can have both!) Make a pact with yourself that you're going to try a recipe every other day for a meal. Most are easy, make-ahead items so you won't get stuck trying to concoct something into the wee hours of the night--you need to sleep, too, to have good health. 

Another thing you can do is to move...not as in relocate, but move your body. Don't have time for the gym? Dance around the house. Walk around the yard on those rare pretty days this time of year. Get some fresh air. If you do have time to go walk with friends (or make friends while walking), head to one of the local community center gyms in the mornings and walk for free. If you need the camaraderie that goes with a workout, stay tuned to this website. Early next week a page will be started with local trainers who will help you get to where you want to be physically. 

Change one bad habit...how about starting with sticking to the outside aisles of the grocery store and spending less time in amongst the packaged, processed "food"? Try to rediscover fresh fruit or try a fresh vegetable that you've never tasted before. It can be fun for you and/or your kiddos. 

Think about your whole body. Are you leaning heavily on caffeine, nicotine, or over the counter pain killers to get you through the day? With relaxation techniques and integrative health practices, those dependencies can go by the wayside, much to your body's delight.

A body wants to find balance and center. We can live simply and give our bodies what they need--they'll love us for it and reward us with many good days.

So, even though it's the end of January, you can have a do-over. Start this week on a resolution to do one or more of these things...in a month you'll be amazed how much better you feel.

Happy (belated) New Year!

Check the Recipe page for a great recipe using Kasha (buckwheat)...and, believe it or not, buckwheat is gluten free!

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