Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday Field Trip--Healthy Choices in Pike County!

Today was Field Trip Friday--several spots throughout the county were visited and the information was added to the website in order for you to have a better "one stop shopping" experience in our county. The highlights? The two E's--Eating and Exercising.

Check the Dining Out page to see the review of Friends in'll be surprised just how healthy your options can be there! Here's a little "taste" of what we found...

Skip the simple carbs and dig in!

As for exercising...we have some fantastic places here in Pike County to do just that. A couple that were visited today were Get Fit with Beth Schilling's gym and the Zone Fitness Center. See location and general information on Spots to Exercise in Pike County page.

Beth has developed a really nice workout experience for women 16+...and that plus means just that! Be sure to give Beth a try if you're looking for a good beginning or intermediate exercise adventure! Her routines with participants vary--in a 45 minute session, there will be some cardio, then 3 or 4 strength training exercises, then a bit more cardio. "I'm not a cardio junkie," says Beth, "but we do work at keeping the heart rate up to get the full benefit of the session." Some sessions might involve stability ball sessions, which are not only fun but also an intensive workout. Some evenings offer circuit training, giving a good variety and allowing participants an opportunity to try different exercises. 

An added (and almost unheard-of) are welcome! There are always activities for the kiddos and the littlest ones can stay in the exercise area--no problem.

Beth also sells (and is an avid believer) in Shakeology. It's a product that she uses herself that offers a vast variety of really good herbs, berries, name it...for good health. If you're already a fan of Shakeology or would like to learn more about it, go to

Give Beth a call or check her Facebook page and join her exercise matter what your skill level, you're welcome to join in and enjoy!
Beth and her exercise buddy

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Good Health...It's Just That Simple

Today I was reading an article from Nutrition Action Health Letter. It was discussing dementia and Alzheimer's Disease. According to the article, this dreaded disease costs upwards of $200 billion per year. "Alzheimer's and other dementias are the sixth leading cause of death in the United States" (NAHL, January/February 2014). It is indeed rare to find anyone anymore who hasn't been touched by this disease. We all know just how devastating it is. 

Interestingly, some researchers are now thinking of labeling dementia the new diabetes 3. Apparently insulin is the key to this. According to the article, we need a rather substantial amount of insulin in our brains to work smoothly; the more insulin in the body, the less in the brain. 

So, how to combat the elements of this awful disease? It's pretty may not be what we want to do or hear, but it is pretty simple, nonetheless. These suggestions from the article include keeping blood pressure under control, keeping blood sugar under control, keeping your waist line more slender, keeping your mind alert, and exercising. No fancy plans, no high priced gimmicks...just keeping it simple.
Check the Recipes Page for Two New Recipes: Avocado Salad Dressing and Foccacia. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Eating Plastic

Well, okay, maybe not plastic...but close. There are many processed foods that we feed ourselves and our kids every day that are anything but healthy. Convenient? Maybe. If you don't count food allergies, treatment for ADD and ADHD, way too many colds and sore throats that require steady rounds of antibiotics, etc. That kind of makes the over-all price of the dollar menu at the local Burger Doodle or the specials at the convenience store a little steeper, eh?

When you're eating all the processed stuff out there, please do be aware of partially hydrogenated fats (also known as fake food). Many companies are now touting the fact that they have removed these harmful fats from their products, but it's truly up to the consumer to double check and make sure. What harm is there in eating these "foods"? They tend to drive up the bad cholesterol in the body and drive down the good; they cause inflammation, which is now being realized to cause a whole host of health problems. Not to mention all the food colors, excess sweeteners (another story for another day)...

Bottom line? Skip this stuff. Head to the grocery store and pick up some fresh fruit and vegetables. Look for some grass-fed beef. Go easy on the bread products (lots of hidden ingredients--just check the label) and try some oven-fried potatoes. In other words, drive on by. Your body will thank you for a long time to come.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

So...How Are Those Resolutions Working Out?

The very word that brings us hope in late December brings us angst in late January--the resolution.

So how are yours working out?

A large percentage of the population of the United States that makes resolutions tends to frame them around improving health. I'm going to eat better, I'm going to exercise more, I'm going to take better care of myself. And, usually, by the end of the month of January, aggravation has overtaken inspiration. 

It really doesn't need to be this way. You can help yourself to better health. Without fanfare. Without great sacrifice. Without great monetary expenditures.

For starters, start trying the recipes that are listed on this website. They are good for you foods and foods that taste good. (Yes, you can have both!) Make a pact with yourself that you're going to try a recipe every other day for a meal. Most are easy, make-ahead items so you won't get stuck trying to concoct something into the wee hours of the night--you need to sleep, too, to have good health. 

Another thing you can do is to move...not as in relocate, but move your body. Don't have time for the gym? Dance around the house. Walk around the yard on those rare pretty days this time of year. Get some fresh air. If you do have time to go walk with friends (or make friends while walking), head to one of the local community center gyms in the mornings and walk for free. If you need the camaraderie that goes with a workout, stay tuned to this website. Early next week a page will be started with local trainers who will help you get to where you want to be physically. 

Change one bad about starting with sticking to the outside aisles of the grocery store and spending less time in amongst the packaged, processed "food"? Try to rediscover fresh fruit or try a fresh vegetable that you've never tasted before. It can be fun for you and/or your kiddos. 

Think about your whole body. Are you leaning heavily on caffeine, nicotine, or over the counter pain killers to get you through the day? With relaxation techniques and integrative health practices, those dependencies can go by the wayside, much to your body's delight.

A body wants to find balance and center. We can live simply and give our bodies what they need--they'll love us for it and reward us with many good days.

So, even though it's the end of January, you can have a do-over. Start this week on a resolution to do one or more of these a month you'll be amazed how much better you feel.

Happy (belated) New Year!

Check the Recipe page for a great recipe using Kasha (buckwheat)...and, believe it or not, buckwheat is gluten free!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Potpourri Monday--News, News, News

It's been an informative Monday for the Eat Well, Live Well Pike County website. Here are the highlights:

--NEW PAGE--There is a new page available on the site now entitled "Spots to Exercise in Pike County". Here you will find the locations and times for indoor walking in the county. Be sure to take advantage of these free opportunities for exercise during inclement days. No excuse now!  Stay tuned to this page for upcoming interviews with local exercise coaches--there's something for everyone locally.
FYI SESSION ON E-CIGARETTES OR VAPOR CIGARETTES--The committee received some excellent information from Martha Caine, Director of Healthy Communities Partnership Tobacco Free Initiative ( There are some quite eye-opening facts on this website that tells more about the "new" cigarettes that are flooding the market. Ms. Caine is an excellent speaker and will share a very informative presentation to a large variety of groups, be they elementary school-aged children, middle school, high school, or adult groups. The information she shared today dealt with the concerns that children are being lured into using e-cigarettes. Names of the nicotine oil, i.e. Scooby Doo, Grape Freeze, etc., are most certainly marketed to younger adults and kids. Further, with no current regulation, these oils are being found to be filled with a plethora of additives that are not body-friendly. Please take the time to look on the website and educate yourself and your children (or grandchildren) about these items.
A borrowed recipe from Facebook--This has been quite the hit, so thought it could be shared with all of you, too.
Avocado Dressing (to replace Ranch Dressing)
In the blender or food processor--1 large avocado diced, 2 t. fresh lemon juice, 1/2 c. Greek yogurt, 1 t. hot sauce, 1/4 c. extra-virgin olive oil, 2 garlic cloves (diced), and 3/4 t. salt.
(from the website

Friday, January 24, 2014

Walk a Mile in My Shoes...Better Yet, Use Your Own!

Time to put on those comfy, supportive shoes and take a walk...more than likely not outside, at the moment, but how about inside?

There are spots in Pike County to walk indoors during inclement weather. 

At Otwell, you can walk at the Otwell Community Center Gym from 9-noon, Monday through Friday. Enter at the south entrance of the gym. The floor was recently refinished, so using clean shoes is much appreciated. 

I'm guessing that there are great spots to walk in Winslow and Petersburg as's where you can help, dear readers. Please provide information in the comments section so those in the Winslow and Petersburg area will know where and when they can walk indoors.

Next comes the shoes. Sorry, but just any old shoe won't do. I'm not speaking to the look of the shoe, but rather to the fit of it to your foot. Did you know there are over 72,000 nerve reflex points on the bottom of each foot? Ever wonder why when your feet hurt that you pretty well hurt all over? That's why! So, be sure to have a shoe that supports a wide enough toe box, doesn't slip on the heel and is constructed to fit your arch, whether it is flat, highly arched, or somewhere inbetween.

Walking is proven as one of the best modes of exercise there is. With just a decent pair of shoes, most anyone can walk. If you are under a doctor's care, check in first to make sure your plan is okay. Walking tones up the entire body, including the all important core. As you continue walking, your body will get used to the idea and approve. More calories will be burned, muscles will be toned, and spirits will be uplifted. Good things all around!

How about starting off the week with a stroll? Find a friend and make it a social event. However you choose to approach your walk is up to you. Just be sure to walk--you'll be living well, Pike County!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Spice Up Your Life, Part 2

Cinnamon--just the word suggests a warm, aromatic scent that is known from early childhood. Most all of us have enjoyed cinnamon toast, cookies with cinnamon known as snickerdoodles, warm cinnamon rolls. The aroma wafts throughout the house when heated. Cinnamon has recently been brought into the spotlight as a super spice that, when paired with honey, can apparently lower cholesterol. Now that's a good way to enjoy the ubiquitous oatmeal breakfast!

Don't sell cinnamon short, however. It's usually touted as a sweet treat spice, and, unfortunately, it is added into otherwise not-so-healthy products such as white flour, hydrogenated oils, and too much sugar. Any health benefits get wiped out by the overload of unbeneficial ingredients put with it. But how can cinnamon be enjoyed without all the sweet additives? Try using cinnamon in savory dishes! Cinnamon is a warming spice, so it is great to use in colder weather...and I think we've achieved that goal this month! 

Here's a recipe from couscous salad with cinnamon. It's a great combination with other warming spices and a zing of flavor from cranberries. Give it a try as a side dish or even as a main course. It will be filling and warming.

Cinnamon is a spice that has been around since Biblical times. It continues to be used in many parts of the world not only for cooking, but also in teas, and for medicinal purposes. In addition, some of you may remember the wonderful aroma of Cinnabar, a cologne that was produced by Estee Lauder in the 1970s. 

For those of you who want to learn even more about the various kinds of cinnamon, check the differences between cassia and Ceylon cinnamon. According to several sources researched, Ceylon cinnamon is a better quality for ingesting. is a top-notch place to purchase spices of all kinds. Once again, don't let the sticker shock get you. We don't put watered-down gasoline into our vehicles--we put in the best quality needed. We need to re-think how we take care of our personal temples--really good quality foods (including spices) should be high on our list.  

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Spice Up Your Life,Part One

It's that time of year when we're all beginning to get the winter blahs...look out! With the blahs come the endless search in the fridge, the cupboards, and the grocery store shelves for every kind of comfort food available. 

Too much comfort food this month, next month...those spring attitudes (and clothes) are going to feel anything but comfortable. 

How to endure these cold, gloomy, snowy, icy days and not need to stuff oneself with lots of sugars and other troublesome carbohydrates and bad-for-you fats?

Spice up your life...

Next time you're at the grocery store, head to the spice section. One word of warning--spices aren't, by nature, cheap. There might be a little sticker shock. Just think, however, how much pleasure you, your family, and your friends are going to derive from that little bottle of oregano, basil, marjoram, or thyme. you've what?!?

Choose something that you like the taste of in the regular food you eat. A fan of Italian food? Then choose some oregano and basil. These are two great all-around spices that can be added to any number of meats or vegetables. For starters, how about making a simple sauce? A pound of grass-fed ground beef, a chopped onion, a little salt, a little pepper, a tablespoon of oregano and a tablespoon of basil added all together in a skillet can become a bouquet of aroma that you'll adore. Add just a little can of tomato sauce (don't make it too "soupy") after the beef and onions are browned and you'll have a sauce that will make you smile!

Congratulations and welcome to the world of wonderful spices...possibilities are endless for good flavors!

When planning your grocery list, head over to the recipes page and see what other spices you can play with in the kitchen this week.

Here's to your good health! 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Let's Go Out for a Meal...Wait...Where?

We have this conversation quite a bit at our house. We enjoy eating different kinds of foods and, once in awhile, we enjoy getting out and about to socialize while we eat. 
However, we also don't want to eat foods that are bad for us with each trek out to restaurants. So, we've become pretty much "food watchers" at restaurants in the area.
Now it's time to share that information with you and encourage you, too, to become community food watchers. There will be a page dedicated to good foods found in area restaurants that you can enjoy without feeling guilty or being concerned about sliding back into bad habits. One shouldn't have to choose between good food and fun and good health. We can have both. 
Be sure to add your comments in on good food places you find in the area. Remember, this isn't a restaurant bashing site--rather, it's a "go to" site for a quick check before heading out for a meal. 
Bon appetit!

Friday, January 17, 2014

What is Million Hearts?

What is Million Hearts?
A pretty good idea.
One of the goals is to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes in the US in the next 5 years.
I don't think anyone can really argue with that. It's a pretty noble cause.

Here's another good idea: Aligning public and private partners from across the country to leverage a wide range of existing heart disease and stroke prevention programs, policies, and activities as well as create new programs.
This is where the Healthy Eating Initiative can help. Are you a member of a church group or a civic club? If so, it would be very much appreciated if you'd contact me at with your name and a phone number or email address where you can be reached. Let's get a time together to share a program of good health and good eating with your group.
 Need one more good reason to become a part of the Million Hearts initiative? How about this?
To improve health across communities and help Americans live longer, more productive lives.

Let's get Pike County on the right track of preventive health. Sharing information with a friend is a great way to start!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

New Resource for Healthy Eating

"Knowledge is power"--Sir Francis Bacon
We couldn't agree more.
The Healthy Eating Initiative has begun a joint project with the Pike County Libraries. They have an excellent collection of cookbooks in the three libraries that offer thousands of recipes for healthy eating.
We're going to take our "knowledge is power" one step farther...on February 24 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. we will launch the healthy eating partnership at the Petersburg branch. Drop by and pick up a flyer that announces a cooking series we'll be doing starting March 6. Once a month, we'll meet from 5:30-7:00 p.m. to discuss two great topics--good food and good health. This will be a family event, so no need for a sitter. And, of course, as all us foodies know, one can't have a good food conversation without a little good food to sample!
In the meantime, take a look at the new page on this website entitled Library Resources. Here you will find great recipes and their sources. The first post you'll see involves some great crockpot recipes that will help you through the busy season of evening events. Try them out--they're healthy and tasty!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

"Let Them Eat Cake"--And So We Do...

According to Wikipedia,"White bread typically refers to breads made from wheat flour from which the bran and the germ layers have been removed (and set aside) from the whole wheatberry as part of the flour grinding or milling process, producing a light colored flour. This milling process can give white flour a longer shelf life by removing the natural oils (and many of the vitamins and nutrients) from the whole grain. Removing the oil allows products made with the flour, like white bread, to be stored for longer periods of time avoiding potential rancidity.
The flour used in white breads may be bleached, that is lightened further, by the use of chemicals such as potassium bromate, azodicarbonamide, or chlorine dioxide gas to remove any slight, natural yellow shade and make its baking properties more predictable. Some flour bleaching agents are banned from use in some countries."

Many years ago, someone (although it's now a toss-up who) said, "Let them eat cake." And, you know, a couple or three centuries later, that's what we are doing. The regular white sandwich bread we now eat in excess is seen by others from different countries more as cake than bread. It's white and fluffy, lacking very little nutritional value, and teeming with preservatives--not exactly a great way to expend calories.

The next time you're thinking about bread, really think about bread. Here are a couple of links to some good recipes for breads that are full of grains and fiber--the later is gluten-free as well.

Let's let someone else eat cake...let's get healthy! use of seeds and grains

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Cuppa Tea, Anyone?

Tea is a wonderful addition to any day. Not a tea drinker? Don't the time you're done reading this post, you'll be ready to make that foray into a whole new world of flavors.
If you're not familiar with the more exotic tasting teas and would like to start with something mild, how about a nice black tea? Most of the tea that is used in our households, at events, and in restaurants is black tea. It has a mind aroma and taste and is easy to adapt to.

If you're feeling a bit more adventurous, try an established company's tea like Celestial Seasonings. Their teas are in most stores, they have a wide selection, and many of them are decaffeinated. That's right--contrary to popular belief, caffeine is highly over-rated. Try some good tea without it and see how much more relaxed you are at the end of the day. Some nice flavors to try are Chai (add a little cream and it's delicious!), mandarin orange spice (need I say more), or a ginger tea (also excellent for digestion).

There are also "medicinal" labeled teas on the market. One of my favorites is Traditional Medicinals organic Peppermint. If your head gets a little clogged up from sinus--a pretty much natural occurrence around here--sipping and breathing in the wonderful aroma will help before the cup is finished.

One of the better teas to drink on a daily basis is green tea. You've read by now about its many healthful attributes. Salada has a wonderful green tea to brew at home. It has a mild flavor and doesn't grow bitter over time.

So, time to put on that kettle and get brewing! Enjoy that cuppa--sit back, and relax through it. Your day will be all the more enjoyable.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Jefferson Township Ruritan Night--Frittata, Sweet Potatoes, and Fruit Parfait

As a project of the Healthy Eating Initiative, I provided supper for the monthly meeting of the Jefferson Township Ruritan. I received some requests for recipes, so here they are:

Frittata (6 servings)
Grocery List: one dozen eggs, one green bell pepper, one onion, one container fresh mushrooms, one clove garlic, herbes de Provence, one package turkey link sausage, grapeseed oil.
To prepare: Chop the pepper, onion, mushrooms, and garlic into small dice. Heat 2T. grapeseed oil in a skillet and add the diced vegetables along with 2t. herbes de Provence. Sauté until the vegetables are soft. Add the link sausage, sliced in pieces about 1/4" long. (The sausage is fully cooked--check the label--so it only needs to heat.) Crack the eggs in a bowl and add 1/4 c. water and whisk until yolks are broken. Pour into the skillet. Season with 1 t. salt and 1t. pepper. Cook until the eggs are set. (You can also put these items together in a square baking pan and heat in a 350 degree oven. Bake until the eggs are set.)
Sautéed Sweet Potatoes and Onions (serves 6)
Grocery List: 3 large sweet potatoes, onion, grapeseed oil.
To prepare: Peel the sweet potatoes and dice into approximately 1/2" pieces. Dice the onion. Heat the oil in a skillet and add the sweet potatoes and onion. Turn the mixture often so the potatoes will not burn. The flavors of the potatoes and onion need no salt, pepper, nor either other seasoning.
Fresh Fruit Parfait (serves 6)
Grocery List: one apple, one pear, one box blueberries, seedless grapes, one bar dark chocolate (62-76% ), 1/2 pint whipping cream, honey, vanilla, walnuts, pecans.
To prepare: Dice the apple and pear. Chop 1/2 c. walnuts and pecans. Whip the whipping cream with an electric mixer until it starts to get a little stiff. Start with a very low speed and then add faster speeds as the cream stiffens. Before it is stiff, add 1 t. honey and 1/2 t. vanilla.  Combine the parfait with a layer of apple and pear, blueberries, and grapes. Put on a dollop of whipped cream, add a generous sprinkle of the nuts and adorn with a piece of the dark chocolate.
 If your group would be interested in a chat about the Pike County Healthy Eating Initiative and a meal, you can contact me at

Weeknight Soup

Here's a soup that can be cooked in a crock pot with just a little prep work. It's full of vegetables which means it's full of good vitamins and minerals. It's also a very filling soup.

Mega Vegetable Soup (adapted from French, Clements and Wolfe-Cohen)

Grocery List: 1 can navy beans, 1 can green beans, 1 can petite diced tomatoes, 1 package frozen peas, olive oil, herbes de Provence, 1 onion, 1 large leek, 1 stalk celery, 2 carrots, 1 sweet potato, 2 small zucchini, fresh  spinach, salt, and pepper.

To prepare: Heat olive oil and sauté one onion, one leek, 2 garlic cloves (all finely diced) until tender . Add 5 cups of water, cans of beans (drained), can of tomatoes, and all the fresh vegetables (diced) and 2 teaspoons herbes de Provence. Simmer. Taste and add salt and pepper as needed. Cook until all vegetable are very tender. Soup will gain flavor as it sits in the can enjoy the left-overs just as much as the first round!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Low Fat, No Fat=Still Fat

The American public has been duped. Since the early 1980s when the low fat/no fat processed foods campaign hit the supermarket shelves, we've been faithfully eating these products to support our endless quest for weight loss. Unfortunately, simply eating a steady diet of low-fat or no-fat foods doesn't work. Even more unfortunately, scores of people found themselves actually gaining weight on the regiments. As one lady said the other day, "I've tried low-fat and no-fat, and I'm still fat."

Why doesn't it work? Seems like it only makes sense that if one eats little or no fat, then one should lose all the fat from the body.

Not true. We're not made that way. We need fats in our systems...just the right kind of fats. Not trans fats or saturated fats (with the possible exception of coconut oil), but rather monounsaturated fats--the good stuff that's found in foods like walnuts, avocados, and olive oil, to name a few. It's a good heart-healthy fat. Polyunsaturated fats are good ones, too. These are found in omega-3 rich foods like salmon and flaxseed oil.

So, low and no fat just don't do the trick. Our bodies need moderate amounts of healthy fats, so enjoy!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Loaded Coffee--A Heads Up

As I was approaching the dairy cooler yesterday for some heavy whipping cream, I noticed a small line forming in that area. I was amazed that so many fans of whipping cream had gathered at one place and time. then I realized that is wasn't whipping cream these folks were lined up for--it was Coffee-Mate!

Growing up, Coffee-Mate was that powdery odd-smelling stuff that our parents sometimes put into their coffee. It's come a long way since that time. The packaging alone now makes it look like quite the treat.

Have you ever actually looked at the ingredients in a bottle of Coffee-Mate or other same-recipe alternatives? Something to think about, folks...and something to definitely use in moderation. Just as with other goodies, it's not an everyday, all-day additive to load your coffee.

Remember that any product that lists corn syrup solids as one of its first three ingredients is more of a treat than an everyday-use product. It is listed as the second ingredient. There is also "partially hydrogenated" soybean and/or cottonseed oil. Keep in mind that anything that is partially hydrogenated is a transfat. The label will say otherwise, showing 0 transfats, but it's still an ingredient and can amount up with excessive use.

The serving size for these products is one tablespoon--it's easy to add much more to one's coffee or tea. Keeping watch over serving size can and will make a difference.

Lots of us out there really like coffee--first thing in the morning, as a middle of the afternoon treat, or after supper to finish off a good meal. If you find yourself over-doing it with the additives, try more natural ways to "load" your coffee. Stevia, honey, a touch of cinnamon, etc. Nature gives us lots of good things to make that  taste great...even in coffee! Your body will thank you for it.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Quick and Easy Breakfast--Part Two--Canadian Bacon Egg Roll Ups

Yesterday we talked about a healthy and quick option for breakfast using nut butters. Unfortunately, not everyone has a good relationship with tree nuts, so here's an alternative that is every bit as appetizing. For those who can tolerate tree nuts, you now have two alternatives and two less excuses for skipping the most important meal of your day!

Shopping List: 1 package Canadian Bacon, eggs (look for local!), and some optional add-ins for extra vitamins--green bell pepper, onion, garlic, mushrooms.

To prepare (do this the night before and they'll be "drive thru" ready for your busy morning--Put 4 slices of the Canadian bacon between two pieces of paper towel in the refrigerator to remove excess moisture. Seal in a plastic bag. Heat 2 t. grapeseed oil in a small skillet and sauté the following: (all finely diced) 1T. onion, 1T. green pepper, 1/4 t. garlic, and/or 1 T. mushrooms (or any combination thereof) until softened. This won't take long. Add two slightly beaten eggs (or egg whites according to your health needs) to the mixture in the pan and let it cook until set up and fully cooked. Remove from the pan. Pop the pieces of the Canadian bacon into the pan and heat--Canadian bacon is fully cooked, so it just needs to be warmed up. Cut the egg into quarters and lay one quarter on each piece of Canadian bacon. Refrigerate. 

In the morning just pop your roll ups into the microwave for a quick minute and you're ready for breakfast!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Start the Day With a Quick and Easy Breakfast

"Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start"--wise words indeed. Maria, in the beloved musical, The Sound of Music, gave this advice on singing. How about that same advice for breakfast? We've heard for years that it is the most important meal of the day--pretty sound reasoning to not skip it.
No time? No excuse. In under five minutes you can have a nice, substantial breakfast for yourself and your family when you're on a time limit.
Try a fresh piece of fruit and nut butter. There are many other choices than the ubiquitous peanut butter--give them a try.
Take almond butter, for instance. A serving of 2 tablespoons will give you a good start of 190 calories of good healthy fat and low sugar. Add in a little fiber and it is, indeed, a very good place to start. You may find that 2 tablespoons is actually more than you'll want in one sitting; that's fine! You can enjoy the rest of it in a snack later in the day.
To this almond butter, add in a banana or apple. They are both powerhouses of fruit and easily accessible. The natural sugars in the fruit will give your body the gentle jump start that it needs along with a good amount of fiber. You have a full breakfast in no time!
The first time you price almond butter, you may gasp just a bit. It looks pretty pricey, but consider how many breakfasts you will have from it--and filling breakfasts, not a breakfast that is unsatisfying or full of bad fats and simple carbohydrates that add to the waistline.
Start tomorrow with this first important step toward better health. You'll see results of better health each time you treat your body well and with the respect it deserves.
**Obviously, if you have allergies to nuts, you won't want this as your breakfast. Stay tuned to tomorrow's blog for an alternative quick and easy breakfast idea.
(Do Re Mi--Writer: JOHNSON, EARL KING /
Copyright: Lyrics © EMI Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, IMAGEM U.S. LLC)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January 8-National Bubble Bath Day--a Good Reminder to Take Care of our Largest Organ--Our Skin! Stay Moisturized!

Did you know that simple oils we use in the kitchen--olive, coconut, sesame, almond, etc.,--work great as moisturizers for our skin as well? Make sure that whatever you use on your skin is good quality and the fewer ingredients the better!

Easy Mexican Quinoa Recipe

Need an easy to fix and really tasty side dish--or main course? Give this a try. The star of this recipe is a grain called quinoa (pronounced keen-wa). You can find it in most any store these days. It's incredibly easy to cook--in fact, you can cook it the night before if you like and then add it to the mix for a quick-fix supper. Remember, time doesn't have to be the CAN have good food on limited times schedules as well as limited budgets.

Grocery List: red or white quinoa, 2 green onions, 2 slightly firm avocados, a red or green bell pepper, cilantro leaves, 2 limes, olive oil, and dried spices--coriander and cumin. Salt and pepper. A jar of salsa--you can use gluten-free if needed for your diet.
To prepare: Add 1 c. quinoa to 2 c. water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and cover. Let simmer until the quinoa is tender and the water is absorbed (15-20 minutes). (This can be fixed the evening before since the quinoa will work well chilled or at room temperature.) Stir in the 2 green onions (white and light green parts only, thinly sliced), the 2 avocados (peeled, pitted, and chopped), 1/4 to 1/2 of the red or green bell pepper (chopped), and 3 tablespoons of the cilantro (chopped). IN A SEPARATE BOWL--mix together 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1/4 teaspoon coriander, 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin, 1/2 teaspoon sea salt, and black pepper to taste. MIX the oil mixture into the quinoa mixture along with 2 tablespoons salsa. Enjoy!  (borrowed from Better Nutrition, Sept 2013) 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014--The Year to Get Healthy, Pike County!

Happy New Year and welcome 2014--full of promise on these first days of a new year.
Here's your first challenge--bookmark this website--let's get as many Pike County folks tuned in as possible.
Because this is the year for Pike County to step it up and start getting healthy.
We're small but we can be mighty--mighty healthy.
Five years ago, the county obesity rate was closing in on 30%--if we follow suit of the national rates, that number has risen...and that's just too much.
Along with obesity comes increased health costs--we all would like to avoid that.
So...join up on the website and get started. We can do this together.
Over the next year this site will offer information on healthy living and healthy eating with lots of recipes, ideas, and motivation.
Are you ready?