Well, okay, maybe not plastic...but close. There are many processed foods that we feed ourselves and our kids every day that are anything but healthy. Convenient? Maybe. If you don't count food allergies, treatment for ADD and ADHD, way too many colds and sore throats that require steady rounds of antibiotics, etc. That kind of makes the over-all price of the dollar menu at the local Burger Doodle or the specials at the convenience store a little steeper, eh?
When you're eating all the processed stuff out there, please do be aware of partially hydrogenated fats (also known as fake food). Many companies are now touting the fact that they have removed these harmful fats from their products, but it's truly up to the consumer to double check and make sure. What harm is there in eating these "foods"? They tend to drive up the bad cholesterol in the body and drive down the good; they cause inflammation, which is now being realized to cause a whole host of health problems. Not to mention all the food colors, excess sweeteners (another story for another day)...
Bottom line? Skip this stuff. Head to the grocery store and pick up some fresh fruit and vegetables. Look for some grass-fed beef. Go easy on the bread products (lots of hidden ingredients--just check the label) and try some oven-fried potatoes. In other words, drive on by. Your body will thank you for a long time to come.
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