Cinnamon--just the word suggests a warm, aromatic scent that is known from early childhood. Most all of us have enjoyed cinnamon toast, cookies with cinnamon known as snickerdoodles, warm cinnamon rolls. The aroma wafts throughout the house when heated. Cinnamon has recently been brought into the spotlight as a super spice that, when paired with honey, can apparently lower cholesterol. Now that's a good way to enjoy the ubiquitous oatmeal breakfast!
Don't sell cinnamon short, however. It's usually touted as a sweet treat spice, and, unfortunately, it is added into otherwise not-so-healthy products such as white flour, hydrogenated oils, and too much sugar. Any health benefits get wiped out by the overload of unbeneficial ingredients put with it. But how can cinnamon be enjoyed without all the sweet additives? Try using cinnamon in savory dishes! Cinnamon is a warming spice, so it is great to use in colder weather...and I think we've achieved that goal this month!
Here's a recipe from couscous salad with cinnamon. It's a great combination with other warming spices and a zing of flavor from cranberries. Give it a try as a side dish or even as a main course. It will be filling and warming.
Cinnamon is a spice that has been around since Biblical times. It continues to be used in many parts of the world not only for cooking, but also in teas, and for medicinal purposes. In addition, some of you may remember the wonderful aroma of Cinnabar, a cologne that was produced by Estee Lauder in the 1970s.
For those of you who want to learn even more about the various kinds of cinnamon, check the differences between cassia and Ceylon cinnamon. According to several sources researched, Ceylon cinnamon is a better quality for ingesting. is a top-notch place to purchase spices of all kinds. Once again, don't let the sticker shock get you. We don't put watered-down gasoline into our vehicles--we put in the best quality needed. We need to re-think how we take care of our personal temples--really good quality foods (including spices) should be high on our list.
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