I know that there are snow showers in the forecast, but today is the first day of SPRING...and that's a relief. I know I'm in the majority out there that welcomes the season and gladly bids winter a fond farewell.
It also gives me the itch to start seeing some green from homegrown plantings.
If you feel the same way, it's pretty easy to grow your own spring greens for some great salads. Here's what you'll need:
A plant starter box (usually a light-weight rectangular box with a clear plastic lid and some peat pot-type plant medium and seed holders)
A potting medium (light-weight is good for seedlings)
Seeds (local garden stores now have seeds in stock)
A grow-light in order to give seedlings enough steady light
It's a lot of fun for all ages to start a garden like this on a small scale. Once the seeds are planted, watered (it's best to water from the bottom and keep it moist), and the lid is secured, condensation will start to appear. This is exactly the growing environment you want for your plants to thrive. Adjust the grow light so it's just a very few inches above the planter. If you have a nice, pleasant day (around 70 degrees and sunny), be sure to take the planter outside for a boost of the sun.
Before you know it you'll be seeing some salad greens, spinach, or other seasonal plants "springing" up all over!
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